Mountain System Construction Updates 5/24/2019
/We have put together a Teacher/Parent Construction Committee and this past Friday (5/2419) we had our first meeting with the District to discuss the Mountain Systems Construction Project. Here is the update from that meeting:
5th & 6th Grade classrooms will begin asbestos abatement over the summer.
5th & 6th Grades will begin the semester in their classrooms. Ceilings will be exposed and light fixtures dangling.
3 portables will be brought to campus over the summer and will be hooked up to water/sewer.
5th & 6th will move into portables at the end of September/ early October over a long weekend.
5th & 6th will return to their classrooms in March, again over a long weekend.
Kinder, 1st & 2nd Grades will be moved into portables in April through the end of the school year.
Lower wing upgrades will commence in April and take 4 months, hence the need to move the younger grades into portables.
The gym floor will be relaid summer 2020.
The Teacher Parent Committee will keep members informed on construction as details emerge.