• What is it? $250 allowance for classroom supplies. The intent of this fund is to reimburse teachers for items they routinely purchase using their own money.

    • Some examples are craft and project materials, manipulatives, posters, white board markers, curriculum aids, bulletin board decorations, student incentives such as treasure boxes, etc.

    • Mad Money is NOT for training or teacher development. Even if it's something that you are paying for "out of pocket" and even if it's under your $250 Mad Money allowance. So, for example, if there happened to be a training session for Smart Boards in Albuquerque, that would not be a Mad Money allowable expense.

  • Who is eligible? Any teacher responsible for some part of the student curriculum; includes classroom teachers, specials teachers, reading and speech, special education, GATE, nurse.

  • How do I get reimbursed? Submit receipts along with a reimbursement form (DOWNLOAD) to the treasurer OR request a check be written directly to a store by the treasurer (a receipt must be received by the treasurer).

  • How much Mad Money do I have left? The treasurer keeps a log of how much each teacher has spent and provides it to the office staff or will distribute the log via Mountain teacher email lists. Contact the Treasurer.

  • What is Carnival Mad Money? Teachers who participate in the Halloween Carnival will receive an honorarium in the amount of $25 per shift (up to $50); there are typically two shifts.

Some expenses may qualify for Educational Grants if, for example, they benefit the entire grade. Example from a previous year: a $75 request for a subscription to a website for one teacher became a $300 Educational Grant for a subscription for the whole school.  


  • What is it? A way to request funding for an item or program which will benefit a wide audience of Mountain students. Grants are intended to be educational in nature. Preference has been given to items that benefit a large number of students and that will be around for many years. Consumable items with large dollar amounts have not generally been approved. Items purchased should remain at Mountain School.

  • Who is eligible? Teachers, staff, students and Mountain parents may apply.

  • How do I apply for an Educational Grant? Fill out the Educational Grant Request form (DOWNLOAD) and turn it in to a PTA officer. Grants must be approved at a regular PTA meeting, so please keep this timing in mind. Grant requests should not exceed $500.

  • How do I get reimbursed? After your request has been approved, submit receipts to the treasurer with a reimbursement form (here). Grant approvals will expire on June 30, but please make every effort to turn in receipts by the end of the school year. If receipts are not submitted by this date, grants will have to be resubmitted for next year.


  • What is the Field Trip allowance? Each grade-level classroom receives an allocation of $175 to be used to pay for buses or tickets, entrance fees, etc. for field trips. This is above what the Mountain School operational budget will cover. This allotment should cover one field trip

  • How do I apply for funds? The short answer is you don't need to apply. However, please plan carefully and check with the office to find out what buses, etc will cost for your trip. They should have a pretty good idea how much your trip will cost and what the operational budget can cover. The office makes the requests for PTA to cover the differences when the bills come from the district.

  • PTA wants to make sure that, even with our growing enrollment, all grades can continue with their traditional field trips; i.e. 4th swimming, 5th grade skiing/snowboarding, 6th grade ropes course, etc.