Support the Mountain’s PTA by participating in the FUNd Run!
What is the FUNd Run?
The FUNd Run is Mountain PTA’s annual fundraiser. Instead of selling items like wrapping paper, fruit or candy throughout the year to raise money, parents, friends, grandparents and community members can donate their chosen amount. This saves everyone time and means more money goes directly to the school.
In past years local businesses and individuals have generously supported Mountain Elementary. In an effort to be sensitive to the economic challenges many businesses and families are facing at this time, we will not be asking for a specified donation amount. For those that are still able to support Mountain students and teachers this year, we are very grateful for your contribution!
How to Donate.
We use PayPal for online donations. However, you do not need to have a PayPal account to donate online. Click on the DONATE button then click CONTINUE to pay directly with a credit card. You can also mail in cash or checks to: Mountain Elementary 2280 North Road, Los Alamos, NM 87544
Why do we do it?
Los Alamos Public Schools provides an exceptional education for the children in our district. Mountain PTA steps in to fund activities and resources not covered by public funding. Planned spending for 2020 includes:
• online educational subscriptions
• teacher resource materials
• classroom technology
• tutoring, etc.
Help us make Mountain even better!
Donate via PayPal