2024-2025 PTA Officers
Contact the PTA Officers at officers@mountainpta.org
President: Alina Hansell
Vice President: Chelsie Wilson
Treasurer: Nicole Waybright
Secretary: Katrina Martin
PTA Officer Duties
Elections are held in April of each year.
To be considered, please make sure dues are paid by March meeting.
Official duties according to Mountain Elementary PTA Bylaws adopted 2011.
Practical duties according to the experience of the current officers.
Official duties: preside at meetings, coordinate the activities of the officers and committees so that PTA purposes and goals are met
Practical duties: recruit committee chairs and volunteers, communicate with Principal, office staff, teachers and parents (back to school newsletter, open house, emails, occasional staff meetings, post to website), help develop goals and budget, promote programs, sign checks
Vice President
Official duties: assist with the duties of the president, preside or act in the president's absence
Practical duties: recruit committee chairs and volunteers, perform whatever activities other officers or committee chairs can not perform, sign checks. (President and vice president could decide to split duties and co-preside.)
Official duties: have custody of the bank account, write checks/pay bills, maintain a full accounting of the receipts and disbursements, prepare reports, submit all books for audit at the end of the fiscal year (June 30)
Practical duties: help develop goals and budget, be aware of outstanding expenses, make a lot of trips to the bank, work with office staff to track field trip, Families in Need and Mad Money balances, work with accountant on tax return and required forms, comply with NM PTA requests for insurance, reports and tax forms.
Official duties: record, distribute and maintain a file of minutes of meetings, maintain the membership list, have a copy of the bylaws
Practical duties: notify members of meetings, file monthly membership reports with NMPTA, create and maintain an email list for all families by working with Mountain office staff, pass along announcements from officers and committee chairs via the email list.
Training and support are available. New Mexico PTA Convention is May in Albuquerque.