We need yearbook photos!
Please submit yours to help make our yearbook awesome!
Email photos to: mtnlionYB@gmail.com
Upload to G-Drive: https://goo.gl/pLiLT
Every year there is a contest to design the yearbook cover!
As a fundraising activity, our PTA organizes the yearbook for Mountain. In November we will announce the theme of the 2019-2020 yearbook. Upper grade students are encouraged to submit a possible yearbook cover. A committee chooses the winners for the front and back covers. Last year students submitted amazing work and we're looking forward to see what they create this year!
We'd Love Your Help!
1. Please take pictures at events & share them with the yearbook committee!
Submit your photos via email to mountainelementarypictures@gmail.com
2. Volunteer to help with the yearbook.
If you'd like to volunteer or have any questions please Email the PTA Board .
3. Buy a yearbook
In late January we will send out information about how to order a yearbook and will also have an order link here. Yearbooks will be delivered to the school in late May and distributed by the classroom teachers.