Dear Parents,
I’m excited to tell you about a very special program I’m coordinating at our school in conjunction with Crayola. It’s called Crayola ColorCycle – an amazing program devised to repurpose used markers rather than sending them to landfills!
The ColorCycle program has repurposed more than 70 tons of expended markers in the United States and Canada since 2013, and uses the most advanced plastic conversion technologies available today to make wax compounds for asphalt and roofing shingles as well as to generate electricity that can be used to heat homes, cook food, and power vehicles.
All around Mountain, the PTA are encouraging students and teachers to collect used markers that are ready to be discarded. Please help support our efforts by sending your kids in with any used markers you may have around the house- even non-Crayola brands! Highlighters and dry erase markers can also be included. Drop-off boxes will be located by the front office!
Thank you in advance for participating! With the help of parents like you across the country, the Crayola ColorCycle program can continue to keep tons of plastic out of landfills each year.
Remember, don’t throw out that used marker—ColorCycle it!Sincerely,
Ruth Burns
On behalf of Mountain PTA