Welcome from the 2021-22 PTA Officers

Welcome to a new school year and to our wonderful school community! We are excited to be here as your Parent Teacher Association.

This year will be memorable for sure! More than ever, our children need the strong support of both parents and teachers. We want you to be a part of this amazing Mountain team and invite you to join Mountain's PTA.

Joining PTA will keep you informed, give you voice, and provide opportunities for you to volunteer at our great school.

Joining PTA doesn't require any commitment other than paying dues of $6.19 and completing a membership form. After that you can be involved at whatever level you feel comfortable with. Membership forms and payment will be received completely online this year.

To join, click here to be redirected to the membership form and secure payment page.

Our first meeting will be held on Monday, August 30 at 12:10 pm in the school library. Young children are welcome! We look forward to working with you all to make this a positive and successful year for each of our children.

Your Mountain PTA Board,

Esther Smidt - President

Chelsie Wilson & Lissie Ham - Vice Presidents

Liz Daly - Treasurer

Natalie Morgan - Secretary